The Worshipful Company of Engineers and the Engineers Trust are seeking applications for the Leete Premium Award.

It is awarded to PhD students whose research has the potential to introduce significant change in manufacturing and demonstrates foresight into future developments and applications.

Eligibility is for UK engineers* whose studentship does not benefit from supplementary financial support such as a Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) award.

Applicants may apply in any year of their PhD course of study, but the award will be limited to a maximum of three years, up to and including the year of submission of the final thesis. Each annual instalment will be subject to evidence of satisfactory progress.

*By ‘UK engineers’ we mean those who are either UK citizens or working or studying in the UK for a period of not less than three years immediately before the year of the award.

The Award is for £6000 each year.

The submission criteria can be found on our website here:  

Applications have to be made before 14th April 2025 to: