We are a modern City of London Livery Company of senior, leading engineers from industry and academia representing the full diversity of today’s engineering. We are a fellowship which aims to enhance the future engineering wellbeing of the nation.
Through our high-quality formal and social functions (most with partners) at prestigious venues in the City and wider afield, we share professional engineering knowledge with lectures, visits and networking events. We are in effect a learned society. We also promote engineering through our interaction with other Livery Companies, the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, and others in the City of London.
Founded in 1983, we are considered a ‘modern’ Company at ninety-fourth in the order of precedence. We now have over 300 members, both men and women Chartered Engineers, who live and work throughout the United Kingdom and overseas, and cover all branches of the engineering disciplines.
In 2004, we became the first Livery Company to receive a Royal Charter for 47 years.
Our Royal Charter states:
“The objects and intention of the Worshipful Company of Engineers shall be to promote the development and advancement of the science, art and practice of engineering for the benefit of the public and to afford means of professional and social intercourse and the exchange of information between Members of the Company, those who practice engineering and those who benefit therefrom”.
To further these objectives, the Company organises an extensive programme of events including lectures, technical visits and social functions, and works closely with, and complements the activities of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Engineering Council (EC UK) and the professional engineering institutions.
Our personality and values are expressed through our aims and a vibrant programme of supporting activities:
- To support actively the Mayoralty and the City of London Corporation.
- To promote engineering education and the benefits of the profession of engineering to those in the City, the Livery and beyond.
- To give back, both financially and in kind, a contribution to charitable activities and to the development of engineers and engineering.
- To foster fellowship among the members and their partners.
Our values are influenced by our roots in engineering, the Livery, and the City of London:
- Integrity both personal and in business.
- Excellence and ethics of the highest standards in engineering and Company activities.
- Teamwork, working with others to make best use of resources in delivering our objectives.
- Long-term perspective – honouring the past, celebrating the present, cultivating the future.
The Company is governed by a Court consisting of the Master and Wardens and not less than 10 or more than 30 Assistants, including the five immediate Past Masters of the Company.
Each year the Court elects from its ranks a Master together with a Senior, Middle and Junior Warden. The Court is responsible for policy, strategy and overall management of the Company and appoints a Clerk, as the Chief Executive Officer, to manage its day-to-day affairs.
The Court is supported by a number of standing committees including the Nominations Committee, Remuneration Committee, Finance and General Purposes Committee, Membership Committee, Programme Committee and Muniments Committee.
- R E Joyce (Immediate Past Master)
- A A Canning (Past Master)
- Dr P M Blair-Fish (Past Master)
- Prof G G T Masterton OBE DL FREng FRSE (Past Master)
- Cdre B P S Brooks RN (Past Master)
- Prof I D L Bogle FREng
- Prof N Chockalingam
- Eur Ing Prof D A Cooper MBE
- N W F Dawson
- C Doulala-Rigby
- C J Elston
- Lt Gen A C Figgures CB CBE FREng
- Dr C Hickman FREng
- Air Cdre M Hunt OBE
- D M G Knight
- I M Mactaggart
- P R Mayo
- Prof R I Muttram FREng
- Eur Ing C N Newsome
- J I R Owen OBE
- Eur Ing D J Stevens
- N C Train
- Eur Ing Dr A W Whitehead
- S J Yianni FREng
The Company is governed by the Court which meets four times per year under the chairmanship of the Master. The Court consists of the Master, the three Wardens and not less than ten or more than 30 voting members (including the five most immediate Past Masters) who are elected by the Livery. The Master and the three Wardens are elected by the Court to serve for a one-year term in each of the four roles. The Clerk, Chaplain and Assistants Emeritus are honorary non-voting members of Court.
Six standing committees report directly to Court covering ‘Nominations’ and ‘Remuneration’ (both chaired by the Master) Finance and General Policy and Muniments (both chaired by the Senior Warden), Membership (chaired by the Middle Warden) and Programme (chaired by the Junior Warden).
The work of the Court and Committees is supported by the Office, comprising of the Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Events Co-ordinator and Beadle.