Chaplain’s Ramblings! Reverend Peter Hartley
As I look out from our house on our garden, I am beginning to notice this year more of how plants – and weeds! – are growing. We have been confined in our house for 2 months now, I being on the Government’s list of vulnerable people – and it’s frustrating! Several other Liverymen are probably in the same ‘boat,’ yet I know that none of you is free to be out and about as you might wish. One hopes and prays that it will all pass; but it will take time for the present rate of 9,000 new cases each day in the UK (ONS numbers) to reduce to what might be called ‘safe’ levels.
We long to pick up something nearing ‘normal’ service, although we may have to learn that that might never be totally possible. Seeing young engineer Award Winners, and hearing of their innovations, always tells me that we are in an exciting, and vital, profession, in vital but challenging times. Equally the fellowship and care for one another that we experience in Livery is something really valuable, whatever the strength of our home and local communities. And the meals together – well, how we miss them!
So keep talking to one another, (or even Zoom one another); that alone can give support to folk that are finding times troubling. Turn over the stones in your mind of others who you might not know especially well; and both of you may learn something new!
A selection of the more colourful parts of our garden – the rose is appropriately called “Rambling Rector!”
Reverend Peter Hartley, Chaplain, the Worshipful Company of Engineers