The “Engineers Hymn”: Chaplain Peter Hartley
A hymn that the Company has used from time to time at the Annual Service is known, colloquially, as the “Engineers Hymn!” It was, in fact, written by Richard Jones and appeared in some church hymn books from the 1970’s onwards. I’d never heard it…
Hiding from Covid: Liveryman David Shillito
Being typical of the 70+ “vulnerable” generation, my main interest in the Covid-19 pandemic lies simply in how to avoid catching it. So, following the example of our political leaders, I looked into the “science” of the transmission of the virus, only to be underwhelmed…
A Generous Act of Kindness: Master Gordon Masterton
The Company is most sincerely grateful to our Liveryman and Past Lord Mayor of London, Sir Francis (Frank) McWilliams and his family, who have very kindly donated the handsome model of Ironbridge that was presented to Frank by the Company in 1992 on his accession…
Talent Retention in a Covid-19 Economy: Master Gordon Masterton
Covid-19 will rebalance the job market, but… As we slowly emerge from total lockdown, businesses are assessing the impact on their employment needs in the Covid-19 economy. For some, that has meant redundancies have been announced, never a pleasant step to take for an employer…
Unlocking London: PM Isobel Pollock-Hulf
A photographic essay of London preparing to unlock from the lockdown. Image Credits: all images – Isobel Pollock-Hulf, July 2020.
Covid-19 and Future Infrastructure and Cities: Master Gordon Masterton
When I first took the Chair of Future Infrastructure at the University of Edinburgh I vowed never to attempt to predict the future. “It’s difficult to make predictions, especially about the future”1. All predictions made pre-Covid-19 would testify to that. But adapting to a Covid-19…
Our Associates in Lockdown: Liveryman James Dickaty
These short essays by four of our Associates reveal the day-to-day impact that Covid-19 has had on their working lives. We have a growing cohort of Associates drawn from prizewinners in one of the many award schemes funded by the Engineers Trust. They are outstanding…
Our Women Engineers: Dawn Bonfield
To celebrate International Women in Engineering Day on 23 June 2020 we gathered these short biographies of some of our amazing female members. Scroll down to read inspiring stories from 25 of the most influential engineers of today, listed in the order that they joined…
Engineers in the Movies: Master Gordon Masterton
We’re inching out of lockdown Britain but a night at the movies might be some distance away. Streaming movies, Blu-Rays and DVDs may be our only ways to enjoy a good film for a while yet. Here is my list of films (not documentaries) that…
Equality, Diversity, Inclusion: Master Gordon Masterton
Whilst we are still under the lockdown of Covid-19, another critical issue has come under the spotlight from the unnecessary and avoidable death of one man in Minneapolis. But behind that incident lies the far deeper malaise of racism. This has resulted in protests across…
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